Revolutionizing the World of Real-Time Captioning

Technology solutions to enhance captioner effectiveness

Introducing PAVOCAT

PAVOCAT software helps live captioners to produce excellent caption quality quickly, every time. This modern, customizable, and user-friendly workspace provides everything a captioner needs to meet the CEA-708 digital standards.

A Comprehensive AI-Enhanced Captioning Tool

A personalized real-time captioning software solution with an innovative UI experience using the power of AI to support and enhance the role of the captioner. PAVOCAT provides support for contextual dictionaries, automatic punctuation and capitalization within the transcription content. Flexible transcription user settings include sample rate, encoding, as well as word and phrase boost configurations.

Key Features

Speech-to-Text Engine

Work smarter, not harder with our smart AI linguistic analysis engine that automates the transcript generation process, allowing you to perform efficient real-time editing.

Providing Accurate, Personalized Transcriptions

Combine multiple user-provided contextual dictionaries with metadata-enhanced capabilities to generate captions quickly and accurately.

High Quality Live Captioning

Designed from the ground up to make full use of the features available in the CEA-708 digital standard. PAVOCAT's customizable solution provides you with everything you need to create high-quality captions.

Unique Schedule Management for Broadcasters and Captioners

Schedule captioning sessions, create multiple virtual 'rooms' and manage captioners through the schedule and room management functions.

Captioner-as-Supervisor Model

PAVOCAT transforms the role the captioner from transcriber to supervisor of the captioning process, monitoring accuracy and quality and performing real-time editing.

Seamless Broadcaster Interface

PAVOCAT allows you to establish links with the broadcaster in seconds via its secure RTP protocol, removing a key pain point for captioners and broadcasters alike.

About PAVO Digital Inc.

PAVO Digital Inc. was founded by serial entrepreneur and broadcasting accessibility advocate, Beverly Milligan, in 2017. Her passion for technology and desire to help people with hearing impairments to have equal access to news and online content formed the basis of her vision to create new captioning software that brings post-production captioning quality to real-time captioning.

Over the past six years, PAVO Digital has conducted extensive research and development, in conjunction with Toronto Metropolitan University's Inclusive Media Design Centre, into real-time captioning solutions that harness the power of AI to transform the role of captioner and deliver high quality real-time captions. Development of the PAVOCAT SaaS suite was funded, in part, by the Broadcasting Accessibility Fund, a key contributor to PAVO Digital's accessible technology leadership journey.

Contact us

Christie Christelis
Tel: +1 416 628 0796